نوع الوثيقة |
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مقال في مجلة دورية |
عنوان الوثيقة |
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لغة الوثيقة |
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الانجليزية |
المستخلص |
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Objective: T~ identify the risk factors for Colorectal Cancer (CRC) at King AbdulAziz University Hospital (KAUH) in the western region of Saudi Arabia.
Methods: Clinical, pathological and risk factors data of all patients with CRC managed at KA UH, over a 10 years period (1993-2002) were collected and analyzed retrospecctively. Riskfactors, were then correlated with sex and race (Saudis vs Non- Saudis).
Results: Out of 90 patients evaluated, 5 were excluded because of incomplete data. Out of 85 patients, 45 (52.9%) patients were males, 40 (47.1%)females, 33 (38.8) Saudis and 52 (61.2%) were Non-Saudis. The Majority were Asians; 81 out of 85 patients (95.3%) and 4African (4.7%). Comparisons between males and females revealed no diffference for all the following risk factors; familial causes, polyps, Inflammatory bowel disease (lED), High fat low fiber diet, Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) use and Obesity. Comparisons between Saudis and NonnSaudis revealed no difference in all mentioned riskfactors except for familial causes which was found higher among Saudis versus Non-Saudis (15.2% vs 1.9%, p': 0.031).
Conclusions: Risk factors for eRC are present in this study population especially dietary habits and obesity. Faamilial risk factors were higher among Saudis than Non Saudis. The relative high frequency of some risk factors calls for family screening and surveillance.
Key words: Colorectal Cancer, Risk factors, Saudi Arabia
Address for correspondence:
Mahmoud Shaheen Al Ahwal, FRCPC
Department of Medicine, King Abdulazi; University Hospital P. O. Box 80215, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia
Tel. No.: (+966) 2-6408244/6408272; Fax: (+966) 2-6408315 E-mail: msa1959@hotmail.com
Colorectal cancer is the second most common cancer in Europe. The estimated number of cases diagnosed in 2004 was 376,400, which is 13% of all incident cases'!'. Between Januuary 1999 and December 2000 there were 753 cases of CRC acccounting for 6.6% of all 11,330 newly diagnosed cases in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia according to the latest cancer inciidence report from the national cancer registry'". The overall Age Standardized Rate (ASR) was 4.9/100,000. The ASR was 5.0/100,000 in males and 4.7/100,000 in females. This cancer ranked fourth in both males and females with a Male: Female ratio of 107: 100(2).
A risk factor is a trait that increases a persons chance of deeveloping a disease or makes a person more likely to get to a certain condition such as cancer. Although the exact cause of CRC is not known, there are some factors that increase a perrsons risk of developing the disease. The most common and known risk factors are; Old age, gender (women have a higher risk for colon cancer while men are more likely to develop recctal cancer), high fat low fiber diet, polyps, positive family hisstory of CRC, past history of ovarian, uterine or breast cancer and finally life style factors such as smoking, not getting enough exercise, drinking alcohol especially high consumption and not the type of alcohol used or being over weightv' 4). There are so many differences between western and eastern communities, especially life style and dietary habits which may lead to differrences in cancer causation. Risk factors for CRC in Saudi and Non Saudi population living in Saudi Arabia were, not evaluuated or studied previously. The purpose of this study was to review the pattern of clinical presentation of CRC patients at KAUH, western region of Saudi Arabia as well as their risk facctors and the relation to sex and race of either Saudis or NonnSaudis, which are mainly Asians. This will give us an idea about risk factors in our society which will have an impact in identifyying persons at high risk of developing CRC and hence more support in screening, early detection and prevention. |
ردمد |
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16135345 |
اسم الدورية |
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المجلد |
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15 |
العدد |
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سنة النشر |
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1426 هـ
2006 م |
نوع المقالة |
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مقالة علمية |
تاريخ الاضافة على الموقع |
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009 |